Oh No ! Don't install MIUI 14 on your Xiaomi Smartphone | MIUI 14 india Global

Oh No ! Don't install MIUI 14 on your Xiaomi Smartphone | MIUI 14 india Global , MIUI 14 DOWNLOAD IN MIUI 14 Download Redmi Note 11 MIUI 14 beta downl

MIUI 14 Download :  Namaste , Xiaomi users recently Xiaomi started rolling out their latest upate of  MIUI 14  on Xiaomi phones . But, there are too many bugs in MIUI 14 one user tweeted

MIUI 14 Download Redmi phones

#MIUI14 on my Redmi Note 10 Pro has been terrible. It's very very smooth but it slows down very frequently and the system launcher crashes at least 5 times a day. The phone freezes a lot too. Almost unusable. Gonna switch to a custom ROM (Prolly a MIUI mod or OOS, never AOSP)#MIUI14 on my Redmi Note 10 Pro has been terrible. It's very very smooth but it slows down very frequently and the system launcher crashes at least 5 times a day. The phone freezes a lot too. Almost unusable. Gonna switch to a custom ROM (Prolly a MIUI mod or OOS, never AOSP)

 And many users of MIUI 14 describe about thier problems It would happen with a user  that his power button became the Google Assistant button.

You can see these tweets yourself 

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