Simple code for Lazyload Adsense ads

In thi post i provide Simple code for Lazyload Adsense ads , how to increase site performance hy ADSENSE lazyload ,one code khatihelper

 Adsense Tips: Hey new blogger if you got AdSense approval recently so one thing is very important to do lazy load AdSense because if you got adsense approval your site will start showing ads and your site could not be able to perform High speed  on web so, you must use lazy loaded adsense to make your site performance good as before.

lazyload adsense

Code for Lazyload Adsense 

Guyz provding jyst a simple piece 🧩 of code to Increase site performance with ADSENSE.


  <!--[ Adsense script ]-->

<!--[ Adsense script ]-->
<script crossorigin='anonymous' src='' type='deferjs'/>
Download code

How to setup code?

  • Open your blogger tempate html .
  • search for <head>  paste the codr after head.
  • Note:- Paste Your Adsense publisher id on the place of highlighted text 0000000000000000


Hope now you understand well how to lazyload adsense for increasing site performance for any query comment.

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3 تعليقات

  1. Oye ye lazy load nhi hai 😂
    1. arey sir to fir lazyload adsense ka code ?🤔
    2. lol pta h hhai thoda esa hi daal diya new post dala h adsense kazyload ka full set-up
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